Everything you need to know about RadioSurgery and Mole Removal

Moles, irrespective if they are round, odd shaped or big or small are inherent on every person when a person ages. Most of the moles present on a person’s body are benign meaning that they are harmless while some may lead to further health complications.

For cosmetic reasons removing a mole can be a very simple and painless task for looking better. For this purpose the benefits and risks of radiowave surgery is different from other forms of surgery. Radiowave surgery is a method of mole removal which does not leave a scar behind after the surgery is completed.


A mole is formed due the grouping of melanocytes in the skin and can be raised or flat, and shaped like a round. Color of the mole depends on the melanin present in major quantities and can be black, brown, blue-black, red, pink or skin colored. The number of moles on the human body increases with age and sun exposure. And in most cases the mole is harmless but in some cases the mole is suspicious. This is particularly for the reason that most skin cancer start with a harmless looking mole or pigmentation on the skin. Research has shown that regular mole self-checks increases the discovery of cancer in its earliest stage substantially.

If it has been discovered that the mole is problematic and the physician needs it to be removed, then there are several methods of removing the mole. Excision is one of the procedures which allows for a incision in the skin and removing of the underlying tissue, then closes the site with stitches. But if that does not seem as the right, then you can use radio waves to remove the mole.



Radiowave surgery uses radiowaves and not lasers to remove moles, skin tag or birthmark. High frequency radiowaves are sent through a specialized wand and into the tip of the device. The type of tip can vary and include a hair-thin wire, a loop, or a blade and are chosen based on the type and size of the growth.


Check with your surgeon if he is a board certified plastic surgeon as that would be a requirement to remove moles and are adept in the different techniques to remove growths from the body.


Advantages of Radio Wave Mole Removal

Using excision or other methods of surgery can be invasive to the skin. For example, excision doesn’t only require you to cut through the skin but also removes the underneath tissue. This can leave a noticeable mark or indent. Other forms of mole removal require the use of electricity or lasers which generate large amounts of heat, and may easily damage skin and can leave scars.

The advantage of radio wave mole removal is that it uses radiowaves to create the required changes in mole which means use of minimal heat generated, making the process gentler. The device does not use regular methods so that it will not shock or burn you, and radio waves are harmless to the touch.

Surgery Procedure

Your physician will numb the area before the start of the procedure by injecting a local anesthesia to the affected area and all around it. The medical equipment of the radiowave machine is such that it will send high amounts of radio waves through the wand and out of the tip, which will then be touch onto the mole tissue. The intense radio waves cause a process called intracellular volatilization, which will cause the water in the melanocytes to boil and steam, then rupture completely.

This process will be continued by the physician until all the mole tissue has been cut away. The skin after this will begin looking light pink, then a light scab will form over the area, which will then fall off, revealing new skin underneath.



  • Minimal Damage: because the machine uses radiowaves, there won’t be high intensity laser or electricity which will be emitted thus not scarring and burning the skin like the other procedures. There won’t be any incision in the skin thus causing scarring and leave the skin intact.
  • Little to no scarring: the procedure in this case is a radiowave surgery which will emit no heat, causing no scars and save more skin tissue. Radio wave surgery will cause the least amount of scarring.
  • Biopsies: Radio Surgery will allow the physician to save a small amount of mole tissue which can be sent off to biopsy, if needed. This is extremely unique. For example, with laser surgery, all traces of mole tissue will be damaged and destroyed, ruling out the procedure to conduct examination on a suspicious mole removal. Radiowave surgery will not only remove a growth with minimal scarring, but will allow for more tissue to be gathered and sent off for testing.
  • Little to no bleeding: because it does not include an invasive method of surgery the skin is cauterized and the nature of radio waves as the tissue is being cut away resulting in minimal bleeding.
  • Shorter healing time: radio wave surgery is gentler and cause less damage than other methods, resulting in a faster time of healing.

Dr. Ashok Pandey from Bombay Cosmetic Clinic is a  celebrated and revered personality in the field of cosmetic surgery. Currently conducting his cosmetic and aesthetic surgery practice in Navi Mumbai, he is associated with number of leading hospitals across the city where he regularly imparts his services to the needy.

Such is his expertise in his field of knowledge that he has successfully conducted more than thousand cosmetic practicing in South Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and plastic surgeries in his career so far.

For consultation call – 099307 31109 / 022 27801101

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